Ceramic Dental Implants

Florida Dental Implant Institute Knowledge Base
Ceramic Dental Implants

Ceramics have been successfully used in dentistry for years in the form of ceramic braces. Ceramic implants are a natural next step for the application of ceramics in dentistry, which begins its life as a material called zirconium, which is fired at extremely high temperatures into medical-grade ceramic. Importantly, “ceramic” in this case does not refer to clay and glaze, such as you would find in traditional pottery, though zirconium ceramic can be used to make very durable pots!

Unlike metal implants, ceramic implants are made in a one-piece design, with the implant screw and crown combined into one device. Additionally, ceramic implants do not have a removable abutment. However, you should not be afraid that ceramic implants will break: like titanium-based implants, ceramic ones are FDA-approved for patient use.

So why would someone choose a ceramic implant over a metal one? While titanium implants look like real teeth, ceramic ones are nearly identical. No one would ever know from looking that it was a fake tooth due to the matte shine of ceramic and how similar it is to real enamel.

Beyond cosmetics though, ceramic is more biocompatible than metal, which means that the inflammation response with surrounding tissues won’t be as strong. Those with metal allergies or sensitivity can get ceramic implants to alleviate their issues.

Despite these positives, ceramic implants are usually more expensive than metal ones and due to a more complex manufacturing process are in shorter supply. Our team of dental specialists would be happy to provide more information on ceramic implants to help you figure out whether the treatment is the right option for your situation.