Soft Tissue Graft

Florida Dental Implant Institute Knowledge Base
Soft Tissue Graft

Soft tissue grafts are procedures that transplant gum tissue from one location in the mouth to another. They are usually performed for the dual purpose of cosmetically improving the look of the patient’s gums and supporting replacement teeth, such as permanent dental implants. However, they can also have a positive effect on the patient’s overall oral health.

Tooth decay or oral trauma can cause tooth roots to be exposed. This intensifies the rate of decay, causes the patient to feel sensitive to cold and hot foods, and leads to pain. A soft tissue graft can recover the exposed tooth root or fortify the remaining gum tissue to prevent further loss and reverse these symptoms.

To perform a soft tissue graft, your provider will use a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable and pain-free during your treatment. The tissue used for the graft could come from the hard or soft palate or the gums adjoining the affected area. Depending on the source, the soft tissue graft may be called a connective tissue, free gingival, or pedicle graft, respectively.