Trans-Nasal Implant Procedure

Florida Dental Implant Institute Knowledge Base
Trans-Nasal Implant Procedure

For patients suffering from severe upper jawbone loss, Trans-nasal implants are placed through the nasal cavity to provide a stable foundation for dental implants. This method enables same-day implant placement and allows for the immediate loading of a temporary bridge, offering a rapid solution for dental restoration. As with trans-sinus and zygomatic implants, trans-nasal implants help patients who are ineligible for conventional implant treatments by bypassing the need for bone grafts.

During the procedure, small incisions are made inside the nasal cavity to access the back of the upper jaw. Implants are then carefully placed in the available bone to provide a stable foundation for the replacement teeth. The incisions in the nasal cavity are typically closed with dissolvable sutures, which results in minimal discomfort and faster healing times.

It is important that Trans-nasal dental implants are only placed by an experienced dental implant specialist. Learn more here by reading our blog article Bone Loss in Upper Jaw and Same-Day Dental Implants